Watch Out for 2016: Top 3 Outsourcing Trends to Expect in the IT Industry

Wondering what challenges 2016 will bring to outsourcing companies? Learn what the experts have to say to help you make make the right decisions.
Listen up, IT world. It’s 2016 and it’s time to get you back on track.
With more IT companies working on a multi-source model, since globalization is alive and well and still leading at the helm, services are being outsourced from a diverse pool of suppliers and service providers, adding compelling value proposition to companies when done right. In most cases, core functions are still done in-house; but thanks to increased automation and standardization, IT companies can continue to embrace offshore outsourcing. When the benefits reaped include reduced costs and improved operational changes, how can the IT industry not resist making strategic partners out of outsourcing companies?
Here are the outsourcing trends we can expect to see in the ever shifting courses of the industry:
1. Managing Production Workloads on the Cloud
Production workloads will get the cloud-first approach treatment. And for service providers that have integrated cloud in their processes, these companies acquire an edge over others when winning new clients in the outsourcing market. A service model working on the cloud leaves more room for improved and efficient businesses processes, a merge of infrastructure, software, and operations on a scalable platform, which IT companies are always on the lookout for. IT consumption is steadily growing with no signs of wavering anytime soon. Outsourcing to a cloud provider makes the most business sense.
2. Meeting New Waves of Integration Challenges
The cloud and other emerging digital technologies mean IT companies will have to face new integration challenges, which may come faster than expected. New challenges will require more manpower and work hours to oversee and manage these platforms. These make for valid reasons to outsource new and expert talent, which the companies may not have the time, resource, and expertise for. A reputable and credible outsourcing company should be able to cover all the bases, meeting the demands of daily operations and providing strategic advantage, all of which include service integration, incident management, and change management.
3. Drafting Flexible Contracts Favorable to IT Companies
It is expect the unexpected when working in the IT industry. This is why contracts are drawn and signed when it takes into consideration an IT company’s changing needs. Outsourcing providers recognize this fact and will maximize the flexibility and control the client has, so it can pursue different options if circumstances change. IT managers will be highly selective with what’s out in the outsourcing market and whichever company and a flexible contract (with the end goal of efficient services and increased savings, of course) might be the make or break of business partnerships.
What are your own set of predictions for 2016? What trends are going to rock the year ahead?
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